Rising Kindergarten Summer Transition Program 2025


2025 Rising Kindergarten Summer Transition Program Registration


McDuffie County Schools is accepting registration applications for its Rising Kindergarten Summer Transition Program (STP) to be held at  Dearing Elementary School. 


Program hours of operation are May 27 thru July 7, 2025, (Monday-Thursday only), 8:00 a.m. until 2:30 p.m. There will be no classes on Fridays or on June 19. Parents must agree for students to be present each of the 23 days the program is in session.  Breakfast and lunch will be provided through the Seamless Summer Meals Program; likewise, limited transportation can be provided.

The Summer Transition Program (STP) is open to rising kindergarten students who meet one of the priorities below. For the 2024-2025 school year, there are no income eligibility requirements.

Class size is limited to 14 pupils; eligible students have birthdays between September 2, 2019, and September 1, 2020.  Students will be served according to the following priority order:

  • Priority 1:  Students who did not attend a Georgia-funded Pre-K or Head Start program this school year
  • Priority 2:  Students who enrolled late in a Georgia-funded Pre-K or Head Start program
  • Priority 3:  Students who were enrolled in a Georgia-funded Pre-K or Head Start program for the full school year and who need more time to demonstrate mastery

Registration packets will be ranked in priority order based on the criteria above, and students will be served on a first come, first served basis.

A completed Summer Transition Program registration packet includes:

  • Birth Certificate
  • Proof of Residency:  Parents must have a copy of lease/rental agreement or property tax statement as well as a utility bill such as gas, electric, or water.  No cable or phone bills will be accepted.
  • Georgia Immunization Form 3231 and Vision, Hearing, Dental & Nutrition Screening Form 3300
  • Social Security Card/Number
  • Summer Transition Program Parent Agreement and Registration Packet Forms

For assistance in completing the Summer Transition Program application process, please contact the central office (706-986-4000) or Transition Coaches Mary Cummings (706-361-3022) or Barbara Smith (706-361-8805).

Attached Files